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A quirk is a distinctive characteristic or behaviour that helps define a character's personality, social standing, physical abilities, or raw talent. Quirks can have advantages, drawbacks, or both effects on a character's situation or abilities.

They can add depth and interest to a character, and make them more memorable and engaging to other players. Overall, quirks are meant to be an enjoyable and interactive aspect of a roleplaying game, providing players with the opportunity to create unique and memorable characters that stand out from the crowd.


AP = Advancement Point cost to aquire the Qurik.

Situational Awareness

AP: 8

You increase the potential focus of your Delay Action to encompass two targets or events, rather than the standard single focus. This broadened awareness allows you greater flexibility and strategic options during gameplay.

As with the standard Delay Action, if your specified trigger does not occur within the turn, your held Delay action is forfeited and you do not act for the remainder of the turn.

Hyper Vigilant

AP: 12

Prerequisite: "Situational Awareness”

You elevate your tactical adaptbility to an extraordinary level. This Quirk expands the potential focus of your Delay Action to include three targets or events, surpassing the standard single focus and even the enhanced dual focus granted by Situational Awareness.

However, keep in mind that the rules of Delay Action still apply: if the specified triggers do not occur within the turn, your reserved actions are lost, and you forgo any further actions for the remainder of the turn.

Crack Shot

AP: 8

Your character becomes an extraordinary marksman, possessing a keen eye and steady hand that greatly improves their long-range combat effectiveness without the need for a scope.

When not using a scope, you reduce the penalty associated with firing at longer distances by one. This means that long-range shots are treated as if they were at medium range, and medium-range shots are treated as if they were at short range.


AP: 12

Prerequisite: "Crack Shot" This quirk indicates that the character possesses exceptional skill as a sharpshooter and expert marksman capable of performing incredible feats of accuracy and precision When using single-handed munitions

Bonus of +1 to hit with single-handed munitions.

Robin Hood

AP: 8

Opposed: Yes

Taking careful aim with your bow or crossbow you let loose a precise shot that if successful, knocks an adversary's weapon from their grasp. In the event of a Critical Success, your shot has a chance to knock the weapon further away or even carry the adversary's weapon, pinning it against a solid object.

Critical SuccessesOutcome
1Weapon knock 2 metre away in d4 random direction behind adversary
2Weapon knock 3 metres away in d4 random direction behind adversary
3+Weapon knock up to 4 metres away in d4 random direction behind adversary

[!NOTE] If an adversary possesses the Tight Grip manoeuvre, they can make an Armed Combat (Weapon Class) or Munitions skill check if they possess the Tight Grip Quirk to hold onto the weapon.

Annie Oakley

AP: 8

Opposed: Yes

Taking careful aim with your ranged weapon, you fire a precise shot that if successful knocks an adversary's weapon from their grasp. In the event of a Critical Success, your shot has a chance to knock the weapon further away.

Critical SuccessesOutcome
1Weapon knock 2 metre away in d4 random direction behind adversary
2Weapon knock 3 metres away in d4 random direction behind adversary
3+Weapon knock up to 4 metres away in d4 random direction behind adversary

[!NOTE] If an adversary possesses the Tight Grip manoeuvre, they can make an Armed Combat (Weapon Class) or Munitions skill check if they possess the Tight Grip Quirk to hold onto the weapon.*

Storm Chaser

AP: 4

The "Storm Chaser" quirk is a minor quirk, the character has a natural inclination towards tracking and predicting weather patterns. This quirk allows the character to better navigate and anticipate changes in the weather, making them less likely to be caught off guard by storms or other natural disasters.

Bonuses +1 to Survival checks or other skills related to outdoor survival during storms GM’s discretion.

Tempest Chaser

AP: 8

Prerequisite: "Storm Chaser"

This quirk indicates that the character has a special ability to sense and track dimensional storms, which are powerful and dangerous weather phenomena that can cause significant disruption and even damage. You can detect and anticipate these storms before they occur, giving them an advantage in survival and preparedness.

Bonuses +1 to Navigation or Science skills.

Tough As Nails

AP: 8

The character has an exceptional tolerance for pain and injury, meaning that they can continue to function effectively in combat or other situations even after suffering damage. This ability can be especially useful in combat situations where a character needs to continue fighting despite sustaining injuries.

Ignore one (1) Wound penalty.

Hard As Nails

AP: 12

Prerequisite: "Tough as Nails"

The character has an exceptional ability to withstand even more pain and injury. Continuing to function effectively in combat or other situations even after suffering damage.

Ignore one (1) additional Wound penalty.

Steel Yourself

AP: 8

Strong mental fortitude and ability to withstand mental and emotional stress better than most people.

Ignore one (1) Strain penalty.

Iron Will

AP: 12

Prerequisite: “Steel Yourself”

You have an exceptional mental fortitude and continue to function effectively even when under significant mental or emotional strain.

Ignore one (1) additional Strain penalty.

Zen Apprentice

AP: 8

The character has begun to develop a mastery of meditation and self-reflection. By taking a moment to focus and centre themselves, the character is able to recharge their mental and emotional batteries and prepare themselves for whatever challenges lie ahead.

May use 1 Action to recover 1 Strain on your Turn in addition to your other Actions.

Zen Master

AP: 12

Prerequisite: “Zen Apprentice”

The character has achieved a high level of mastery over meditation and self-reflection, and is able to use these techniques to achieve extraordinary feats.

May use 2 Actions to recover 2 Strain on your Turn in addition to your other Actions.


AP: 8

The character has a unique ability to influence their own luck and fate. This quirk allows the player to spend a second luck point to reroll a failed roll, giving them a second chance to succeed in a critical moment.

Good Karma

AP: 12

Prerequisite: “Karma”

The character's luck and fate have reached an almost mystical level of influence. Allows the player to spend a luck point to buy a success after they have failed their initial luck roll, effectively turning a failure into a success.

Note: You can not ‘buy’ critical successes.

Light Sleeper

AP: 6

Easily roused from sleep and alert to sudden changes in their environment. The player acts last on initiative if they are asleep when surprised, giving them a chance to react even if they are caught off guard.

Alert Sleeper

AP: 10

Prerequisite: “Light Sleeper”

Character enters a sleep so lightly that they are woken by sudden changes in their environment. Allows the character to roll initiative during a surprise round even if they are asleep.

Weapon Apprentice

AP: 8

The character has studied tirelessly with melee weapons, giving them a +1 to Strike when using a melee weapon they are skilled in (i.e. must possess the Appropriate armed melee skill).

Weapon Master

AP: 12

Prerequisite: “Weapon Apprentice”

The character has achieved a high level of mastery in Armed Combat. This quirk allows the player to reroll a failed skill check when using the Parry roll with a melee weapon. This gives them a chance to avoid incoming melee attacks with greater success.

Note: Only reroll one of the Skill dice and must take the second result.

Exotic Weapon Training

AP: 8

Prerequisite: “Armed Melee - Weapon Class”

Choose one Exotic Weapon that connects to a Weapon Class you are skilled in. You receive an Appropriate, bonus manoeuvre when using that specific weapon. You receive this manoeuvre as soon as you purchase this Quirk. You may purchase this Quirk multiple times for different exotic weapons.

Note: The list below is not exhaustive and you can work with your GM to create (or change) Exotic Weapons to suit your style. The attached list reads Exotic Weapon (Weapon Class) - bonus Manoeuvre. For instance, if you possess the Blunt Weapons Class skill, you could then pick up Nunchucks using this Quirk, spending 8 AP.

Nunchucks (Blunt) - Lock Sai (Knife) - Lock Tekko-Kagi (Blunt) - Snap Attack Falx (Sword) - Sweep Chakram (Knife) - Power Attack Urumi (Sword) - Sweep Kusarigama (Whip/Chain) - Feint Meteor Hammer (Whip/Chain) - Power Attack Bo Staff (Polearm) - Riposte Rope Dart (Whip/Chain) - Snap Attack Bardiche (Axe) - Guard

Sure Grip

AP: 8

The character has a strong and steady grip when wielding firearms. This grants the character the "Tight Grip" manoeuvre when using Munitions and Gunnery.

Characters can re-roll Parry after a successful Disarm manoeuvre on them.

Monkey Grip

AP: 12

Prerequisite: “Sure Grip”

You cannot be disarmed of your firearm when using Munitions or Gunnery.


AP: 6

Raw ability in maintaining balance and climbing. This quirk allows the player to reroll any Physique or Dexterity Trait roll for any balance or climbing related test.

Note: Does not Apply to Skill rolls or Dodge Action.


AP: 10

Prerequisite: “Gymnastics”

Naturally talented and particularly skilled in flipping and spinning in addition to balance and climbing. This quirk allows the player to reroll Dodge Action.

Note: This can be used with combat manoeuvres that affect dodging. i.e; Rolling Dodge. Must take the 2nd result.

Naturally Talented

AP: 8

The character has a natural talent, choose one "Acumen" or "Morale" Trait related Skill you possess. You can Reroll a Critical Failure die (rolling a 1) once per test. This can only happen if the skill role has completely failed with both dice (but both do not have to be 1’s).

Note: Applies to the Skill and not the Trait dice. You must take the new result, even if it’s another Critical Failure. This Quirk can be taken more than once for different skills.


AP: 12

Prerequisite: “Naturally Talented”

The character has an exceptional natural talent for a particular skill. This quirk allows the player to reroll any failed result with that Skill from the "Naturally Talented" quirk. However, this ability can only be used once per skill check. As with Naturally Talented, the skill roll must completely fail in order to use this.

Note: Replaces Naturally Talented, this can be used along with any Tradecraft ability you may have for the same skill, allowing you to reroll the other failed die (if desired). This Quirk can be taken more than once for different skills.


AP: 4

Choosing one City/Community, the character has a deep knowledge of the streets and the people who inhabit them. Allowing the player to use their knowledge of the streets to gain insights into criminal activity, or find their way around unfamiliar neighbourhoods.

Note: Can be taken more than once.


AP: 8

Prerequisite: “Streetwise”

The character has a vast network of acquaintances throughout society. This quirk allows the player to use their connections to gain information, resources (at a cost) or even assistance in difficult situations.

Provides bonus to the character's persuasion and negotiation rolls (+1 on Skill checks) when dealing with streetwise characters, such as criminals or street vendors. Can also provide access to specialised knowledge or equipment that might otherwise be difficult to obtain if you don’t know the right people.

Note: Additionally, the "Connected" quirk can also provide the character with protection from enemies or rivals, as their extensive network can provide a layer of security against those who would seek to harm them.


AP: 8

The character has a natural talent for using ranged weapons, increasing the character's accuracy when firing a weapon.

Can aim for a maximum of 4 Actions


AP: 12

Prerequisite: “Sharpshooting”

The character has an exceptional talent for long-range weapons.

Can use the Aim Action for a maximum of 8 Actions.

Cash Bonus

AP: 6

The character has recently come into a smallish sum of money through inheritance, winning a game of chance, or some other stroke of luck. Receive 10,000 Units


AP: 10

Prerequisite: “Cash Bonus”

The character has recently come into a large sum of money through inheritance, winning a game of chance, or some other stroke of luck. However, the character must also deal with the potential downsides of sudden wealth, such as increased attention from creditors or criminal elements looking to take advantage of their newfound riches. Receive 30,000 Units


AP: 6

You possess greater natural speed and agility, allowing them to move more quickly than others. Increase base movement speed by 1.


AP: 10

Prerequisite: “Fleet-footed”

You possess exceptional natural speed and agility, allowing them to move more quickly than others. Increase base movement by an additional 1.


AP: 6

Represents the character's knowledge and understanding of a particular social circle or group. When a player selects this quirk, they choose a specific social circle, such as the corporate world, security force, the wealthy merchant class, or the political elite. The character is familiar with the minor and mid level players (Level 1 & 2) within this social circle, as well as their values, goals, motivations and can call on them for information.

High Flyer

AP: 10

Prerequisite: “Etiquette”

In addition to Etiquette Quirk, the character also knows how to behave and communicate effectively within this social circle, allowing them to navigate social situations with ease and gain the trust and respect of others. The character is familiar with mid and senior level players within the social circle (Level 3), can call on them for information and sometimes help.

Gun Kata

AP: 8

This quirk allows the character to use a known martial art manoeuvre while holding a muntion, enabling them to combine the precision and power of a firearm with the speed and agility of martial arts.

?> Note: These are manoeuvres that would normally require a free hand. This does not include the ability to fire the weapon simultaneously. It simply means the player does not have to put their gun away to use the melee manoeuvre, but utilise the weapon in the manoeuvre itself (e.g. hitting someone with a rifle butt and using Power Attack).GM has final say if a manoeuvre can be incorporated into this.

Gun Fu

AP: 12

Prerequisite: “Gun Kata”

May use a second known martial art manoeuvre while holding a muntion.

Note: As per above in Gun Kata.


AP: 8

Using an 1 Action, you can shield a target from harm. You effectively use your body to cover another person. Normally, doing this incurs a +2 to hit you, whilst the person you are shielding receives +2 cover. With the Bodyguard quirk, anyone trying to hit you does not receive the +2.

If the person being covered wishes to attack whilst continuing to be shielded, they must use an action to Maintain Cover.


AP: 12

Prerequisite: “Bodyguard”

Increase the cover of the person you are shielding to +4 (Partial Cover).

Note: Bodyguard & Sentinel - Please be aware of the following conditions: Neither the individual acting as the shield nor the person being shielded can perform the 'Balls Out' action during the turn this Quirk is in effect. If the shield attempts to dodge, the protective effect of this Quirk is immediately cancelled for the remainder of the turn. The individual being shielded retains the option to dodge, essentially leveraging their "cover" to further enhance their defensive action.


AP: 4

You make people laugh, can defuse social situations with comedy, and endear yourself to new acquaintances. This quirk comes with an automatic Kink ‘No one takes me seriously’. When trying to make an important point in a discussion/situation no one listens to you, you’re taken less seriously by teammates and NPC’s alike.


AP: 8

Represents the character's love and skill for games of chance, whether it be cards, dice, or other forms of gambling. When a player selects this quirk, their character is particularly skilled in games of chance and is able to read their opponents, bluff convincingly, and make strategic bets.

Bonus +2 when playing games of chance, Perception skill checks when determining if the target is bluffing.

Kink ‘Risk taker’ not good at judging personal risks.

Didn’t See Your Name On It

AP: 4

This quirk has the player being overcome at times, with the need to steal something they can quickly pocket. The more valuable the item, the harder it is to resist temptation. This will only apply to small items they can conceal quickly.

In the event of a failed Filching skill roll, the player is permitted to re-roll one of their Filching dice, adopting the new result. This rule only applies if the player already possesses the Filching skill. If the player lacks this skill, they do not receive a re-roll. Instead, the Game Master may request the player to perform a Dexterity roll without the benefit of a re-roll.

Note that this is considered an action and it incorporates the swift motion of concealing the item on one's person. Can not be combined with the Finger’s ‘Brush Passed’ Tradecraft.

Eidetic Memory

AP: 12

Ability to remember and recall information with incredible accuracy. When a player selects this quirk, their character has an exceptional memory and is able to remember everything they see, hear, and experience in great detail.

Note: The player’s character remembers details from the game, game masters must tell the player the information they are recalling. Yes, you don’t have to write down notes


AP: 8

Being exceptionally fit and good in sports, grants a bonus +1 on Athletics Skill checks.


AP: 8

Exceptional dexterity and ability to use both hands equally well. When a player selects this quirk, their character is able to perform tasks with both hands equally well, whether it be wielding two weapons simultaneously, writing with both hands or performing complex manoeuvres that require coordinated use of both hands.

Note: Does not grant the character the ability to attack with two weapons on a single Action.

Lip Reading

AP: 8

This individual possesses an uncanny ability to decipher spoken words just by observing the speaker's lip movements. Their skill in lip reading is so advanced that they can accurately interpret conversations from a distance or through soundproof barriers. This talent comes in handy for gathering sensitive information or understanding people in noisy environments, but it also makes others cautious about speaking openly in their presence. As a result, the lip reader may find themselves both an invaluable asset and an unnerving presence in social situations.


AP: 4

You can express your ideas to create songs, pictures or sculptures of a higher than average standard.

Chatty Charmer

AP: 8

You have the gift of the gab and a natural charm that can captivate an audience. You receive an advantage on all social interaction tests, as your sociable nature often helps you to win people over. However, your tendency to overtalk can sometimes lead to trouble. If you fail a social interaction test, you inadvertently let slip some sensitive information or a secret, potentially complicating the situation.

On Edge

AP: 8

You are perpetually alert, and it's quite difficult to catch you off guard. This grants you a +1 bonus against surprise attacks or unexpected events. However, your constant state of high alertness interferes with your ability to rest easily. You require two additional hours of rest to fully recover compared to others.

Bull in a China Shop

AP: 6

You are maybe a bit too muscular, gain a strength bonus +1 to Physique Trait tests only, but handling delicate objects is very difficult for you. You might break them -2 when performing delicate tasks (GM’s call).


Adrenaline junkie

AP: 8

This quirk represents a character who thrives in high-stress situations. During intense moments, such as combat or piloting under difficult conditions, they receive a +1 bonus to all related tests due to their heightened focus and quick thinking.

However, in calm or mundane situations where there's no immediate danger or action, they struggle to maintain concentration. This results in a -1 penalty to Perception and Social tests when not under stress.

Hasty Holster

AP: 8

This quirk grants the character the ability to holster a single weapon, specifically a one-handed munitions like a pistol, with remarkable swiftness as a free action, thus saving valuable time during combat or other time critical situations.

High Speed Holster

AP: 12

Prerequisite: “Hasty Holster”

Building upon the skills honed in Swift Draw, Twin Takedown allows the character to holster two one-handed munitions, such as pistols, simultaneously as a free action. This unique ability provides an unparalleled advantage in scenarios where rapid weapon management is crucial.

Quick Sling Expert

AP: 8

This quirk endows the character with the ability to holster a single two-handed weapon with exceptional speed as a free action. The character must have a suitable holster to stow the weapon.


AP: 8

This quirk allows you to attain one additional Critical Success beyond the usual limit for your skill level. The effect of Crackerjack is skill specific and can be acquired multiple times, once for each skill. For instance, if you possess Munitions skill at d6, which usually allows for two Critical Successes, having Crackerjack (Munitions) at d6 enables you to reach three Critical Successes. Moreover, when you increase your Munitions skill to d8, your potential Critical Successes increase to four, with the benefit of this Quirk.


AP: 8

When the game master needs to select a player at random using dice, any roll that lands on a player with the Kismet Quirk requires a re-roll. This protection only triggers once per instance for characters with this quirk.

?> For example, in a group of four PCs, if a creature from a breach targets them and the GM rolls to determine its victim, and two players have the Kismet Quirk, a roll landing on either of these two players would necessitate a re-roll. However, if the subsequent roll again targets one of these characters, Kismet will not intervene a second time.


AP: 8

You've begun your journey into the realm of parkour. Be it urban alleyways or rugged wilderness terrains, you can navigate with an impressive flair. Walls and boulders become mere stepping stones, while city gaps and forest ledgers present chances for nimble jumps.


  • When moving through challenging terrains or obstacles in urban or similar environments, you do not lose any speed.

  • Gain an advantage (bonus +1) on Skill Checks related to Acrobatics & Athletics only in situations where parkour skills can be applied.


AP: 12

Prerequisite: “Freerunner” Through rigorous training and countless hours of practice, you've elevated your parkour skills to an elite level. Whether Urban landscapes or untamed wilderness, you transcend them with unparalleled speed and finesse. No barrier can slow your dance as you embody the pinnacle of parkour expertise.

Bonus: (in addition to Parkour Prodigy)

  • Can quickly find alternative routes in chase scenarios, making it harder for pursuers to predict your path. (Bonus -1 to Adversaries rolls to follow you)
  • Gain an advantage once per scenario, allowing you to reroll Acrobatics or Athletics skill dice on a failed roll (only applies to the skill and not attached trait), when climbing, jumping, rolling etc only in situations where parkour skills can be applied.